Episodes 31-60 第55話 State Funeral of the Two Countries / 日英の国葬 55-State-Funeral-of-the-Two-Countries保存without-ruby-55-State-Funeral-of-the-Two-Countries保存 2022.09.24 Episodes 31-60
Episodes 31-60 第54話 Invention of Japanese Word-Processor / 日本語ワープロの開発 54-Invention-of-Japanese-Word-Processor保存 2022.09.24 Episodes 31-60
Episodes 31-60 第52話 Ino Tadataka – The Man Mapped Entire Japan by Walking in the 18 Century / 歩いて日本地図を作った伊能忠敬 52 The-Man-Mapped-Entire-Japan-by-Walking保存 2022.09.02 Episodes 31-60
Episodes 31-60 第51話 First Time Listening to Rakugo / 初めての落語 51-First-Time-Listening-to-Rakugo保存 2022.09.02 Episodes 31-60
Episodes 31-60 第50話 Politics and Religion / 政治と宗教 50-Politics-and-Religion-政治と宗教保存 2022.09.02 Episodes 31-60
Episodes 31-60 第48話 Dialogue with Yuito 1 / 唯人と対談 48-Dialogue-with-Yuito1保存 2022.09.02 Episodes 31-60
Episodes 31-60 第47話 The Future World Where Politicians are Replaced by Cats / 猫が政治家になる未来 47-The-Future-World-Where-Politicians-are-Replaced-by-Cats保存 2022.09.02 Episodes 31-60
Episodes 31-60 第46話 Weird School Regulations in Japan / 学校の不思議なルール 46-Weird-School-Regulation-in-Japan保存 2022.09.02 Episodes 31-60