Episodes 01-30

Episodes 01-30

第30話 Friend’s wedding and the memory of childhood / 友達の結婚式と子供の頃の思い出

In this episode, K first time tried to broadcast podcast-episode walking outside, along Tamagawa-river. K speaks about t...
Episodes 01-30

第29話 How to arrange your thoughts? / 考えをどうまとめる? -「思考の整理学」から

In this episode, I talk about the book 「思考の整理学」*published in 1983. Even though the first time I read this book was 10 ye...
Episodes 01-30

第28話 I can’t think of anything /とりとめのない話

Ukraine is now under terrible circumstances. TV broadcasting shocking news every day. I can't think deeply now. What can...
Episodes 01-30

第27話 Japanese reaction to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. / ロシアのウクライナ侵攻に対する日本の反応

In this episode, K talk about Japan’s reaction to the war Russia’s president started.27-Japanese-reaction-to-Russias-inv...
Episodes 01-30

第26話 “Life is Art”… Story of Taro Okamoto / 画家・岡本太郎の話

"Art is an explosion" is the most famous phrase said by Taro Okamoto, Japanese artist, philosopher.In this episode, K tr...
Episodes 01-30

第25話 EDO-TOKYO MUSEUM / 江戸東京博物館(えど-とうきょう はくぶつかん)

In this episode, I tell you what I saw and felt for visiting EDO-TOKYO MUSEUM.25-EDO-TOKYO-MUSEUMダウンロード
Episodes 01-30

第24話 Fishing on a frozen lake at -10 degrees

On Sunday, I went fishing on a frozen lake at -10 degrees. it was very cold, but interesting.Ice-fishing is one of the u...
Episodes 01-30

第23話 Introduction of my favorite J-pop songs

In this episode, I talk about my favorite J-pop songs.スピッツ 夜に駆ける 白日 23-Introduction-of-my-favorite-J-pop-songsダウンロード
Episodes 01-30

第22話 The history of Hokkaido – northernmost island of Japan part2

In this episode, I talk about the history of Hokkaido – northernmost island of Japan. And how I think about its future.2...
Episodes 01-30

第21話 The history of Hokkaido – northernmost island of Japan

In this episode, I talk about the history of Hokkaido - northernmost island of Japan21-History-of-Hokkaido-part1ダウンロード