日本語 —- English below —–
Japanese With Kは、以下のとおり個人情報保護方針を定め、個人情報保護の仕組みを構築し、個人情報の保護を推進致します。
お客さまからお預かりした個人情報は、Japanese With Kからのご連絡や業務のご案内やご質問に対する回答として、電子メールや資料のご送付に利用いたします。
・お客さまが希望されるサービスを行なうためにJapanese With Kが業務を委託する業者に対して開示する場合
当ホームページへのコメントを残す際に、IP アドレスを収集しています。これはブログの標準機能としてサポートされている機能で、スパムや荒らしへの対応以外にこのIPアドレスを使用することはありません。なお、全てのコメントは管理人が事前にその内容を確認し、承認した上での掲載となります。あらかじめご了承ください。
当サイトのコンテンツ(写真や画像、文章など)の著作権につきましては、 原則として当サイトに帰属しており、無断転載することを禁止します。当サイトのコンテンツを利用したい場合は、別途お問い合わせください。
Japanese With K establishes the following personal information protection policy, establishes a personal information protection mechanism, and promotes the protection of personal information.
Personal Information
“Personal Information” is information that could allow you to be identified, such as for example:
・Name and contact details (e.g. postal and email address)
・Country of residence
・Birth date
Management of personal information
This website needs to maintain and manage a security system in order to keep customer’s personal information accurate and up-to-date and prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information. We will take various measures, implement safety measures, and strictly manage personal information.
Purpose of use of personal information
Personal information entrusted to us by our customers will be used for sending e-mails and materials as a response to inquiries, business guidance and inquiries from Japanese With K.
Prohibition of disclosure and provision of personal information to third parties
This website will properly manage the personal information entrusted to us by our customers, and will not disclose personal information to third parties except in the following cases.
・ With the consent of the customer
・ When Japanese With K discloses to the contractor who outsources the business in order to provide the service desired by the customer.
・ When it is necessary to disclose in accordance with laws and regulations
Security measures for personal information
This website takes all possible security measures to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information.
Inquiry regarding the personal information
If a customer wishes to inquire, correct, or delete his / her personal information, we will respond after confirming that he / she is the person himself / herself. Please click here when you would like to inquiry regarding your personal information.
If you wish to inquire, correct, or delete your personal information, we will respond after confirming that you are the person yourself.
Compliance and review of laws and norms
This website will comply with Japanese laws and regulations applicable to personal information held and other norms, review the contents of this policy as appropriate, and strive to improve it.
About access analysis tool
This website uses the access analysis tool “Google Analytics” by Google. This Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data. Traffic data is collected anonymously and is not personally identifiable.
About comments
We collect IP addresses when you leave comments on this website. This is a standard feature of blogs that is supported and will not use this IP address except for spam and vandalism. All comments will be posted after the administrator confirms and approves the contents in advance. Please note.
About copyright
As a general rule, the copyright of the contents (photographs, images, sentences, etc.) of this site belongs to this site, and it is prohibited to reprint without permission. If you would like to use the contents of this site, please contact us separately.
About the links
This website is completely link-free. No permission or contact to this site is required when linking.
We do not take any responsibility for the information, services, etc. provided on the site moved by the link or banner from this site. In addition, we strive to provide as accurate information as possible regarding the contents and information of this site, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or safety. The information may be out of date.
Please note that we are not responsible for any damages caused by the contents posted on this website.
This policy shall be executed in Japanese and the English text is a translation. Japanese language shall prevail in all respects.