Episodes 91-120 #120 Well Sleeping / 最近、よく眠れる ルビなし120-Well-Sleeping保存 120-Well-Sleeping保存 2024.02.09 Episodes 91-120
Episodes 91-120 #119 How Deep the River of Zen? / 禅の川はどれほど深い? ルビなし119-Zen保存 119-Zen保存 2024.02.01 Episodes 91-120
Episodes 91-120 #118 Is Making Money Viewed Negatively? / お金を稼ぐのは悪いこと? ルビなし118-Is-Making-Money-Viewed-Negatively-1保存 118-Is-Making-Money-Viewed-Negatively保存 2024.01.27 Episodes 91-120
Episodes 91-120 #117 Family Name of Japanese / 名字について ルビなし117-Familiy-Name-of-Japanese保存 117-Familiy-Name-of-Japanese保存 2024.01.20 Episodes 91-120
Episodes 91-120 #116 Learning Homophones with Practical Examples / 同音異義語を例文で学ぼう ルビなし116-Homophone保存 116-Homophone保存 2024.01.15 Episodes 91-120
Episodes 91-120 #115 Disasters Strike Japanese New Year / 災難が続いた日本の正月 ルビなし115-Disasters-Strike-Japanese-New-Year保存 115-Disasters-Strike-Japanese-New-Year保存 2024.01.07 Episodes 91-120
Episodes 91-120 #114 How Should We Engage with Media? / メディアとどう付き合う? 佐々木俊尚さんの音声配信はこちら ルビなし114-How-Should-We-Engage-with-Media保存する 114-How-Should-We-Engage-with-Media保存する 2023.12.27 Episodes 91-120
Episodes 91-120 #113 Radio, Newspaper, TV, Internet / メディアの移り変わり 今回からChatGPTを基に作成した単語帳を最終ページに付けます。学習にご活用ください。 ルビなし113-Radio-Newspaper-TV-Internet保存 113-Radio-Newspaper-TV-Internet保存 2023.12.25 Episodes 91-120
Episodes 91-120 #112 So Busy…We Could Use a Cat’s Paw / 猫の手も借りたいほど… ルビなし112-So-Busy-We-Could-Use-a-Cats-Paw-1保存 112-So-Busy-We-Could-Use-a-Cats-Paw保存 2023.12.15 Episodes 91-120
Episodes 91-120 #111 Minimalism and Learning Language / ミニマリズムと語学学習 ルビなし111-Minimalism-and-Learning-Language保存 111-Minimalism-and-Learning-Language保存 2023.12.06 Episodes 91-120